
Day 1: Again

Well, today is the start of a new walk/run program. i admittedly failed in accomplishing my last 10 week program. The lazy in me won over on that one.

So, I started this morning with a 2 mile walk. I had a couple of running minutes in there but due to the hilly terrain, I walked most of it. I also took out a mile of the 3 mile loop I had mapped out cuz of the hills. Damn hills! Why do they have to be so, so, darn hilly? I'll have to map out a new, less hilly route if I want to actually get some running time in. Don't get me wrong...Id love to tackle to hills. I just need more running miles under my belt in order to do so without dying. Hey, remember, it's only day 1!

So, 2 miles of mostly walking in 40 minutes. Not bad. Could be better. But at least I'm off my butt and doing something right? Right! Bring it on Day 2!


Week 2: Run progre-ss run!

Since my last post, I've run a total of twice; March 28 and then again this morning, April 3. I didn't have any time over the weekend as my boys had a soccer games in the Philly and Allentown areas on Saturday and then training on Sunday. Let me tell you, it was good to get out again, even if it was for a mere 30 minutes and about 2 miles. Today I walked for about 10 minutes and then started a 2 minute run/3 minute walk. I know it's only my second week at this running thing, but I feel better. I wasn't as tired after each 2 minute run as I thought I'd be. I think I'll stick to this for the rest of the week and then up my running next week. I might take out my bike tomorrow... we'll see.


Week 1: 6 pack? More like a keg!

Today I ran. I also walked. Not very far. A mere 3 miles. It took me about 40 minutes to complete the 3 mile loop that is the street I live on. I was only going to run/walk 10-15 minutes out and then turn around and run/walk the 10-15 minutes back to the house. It was such a nice day, i decided I was going to do the whole 3 miles. Walking or running, it didn't matter. i was dead set on completing the loop. Tomorrow I will do it again. Maybe in the opposite direction this time. you know...a change of scenery of sorts,

Today is the first day of my ten week beginner running program. This program is supposed to bring you from walking 20 minutes 3 or 4 times a week during the first week to running 3 miles non stop by the 10th week. I will not quit. I won't let myself.

I've been overweight now for several years. How did I let myself get to this point? Well, gone are the days of playing roller hockey everyday. Or biking to work. Or playing basketball with my friends. These days I drive the 3+ hour return commute from PA to NJ where I work. I sit at my desk working on my computer all day, churning out ads and designing logos etc. Fast food is the norm as is a sedentary lifestyle. Running from the basement to the second floor gets me out of breath. I'm only 34 and I'm 5'6" and 215 lbs. I've replaced my 6-pack with a keg! I do ride my bike and play the occasional game of soccer but not enough to counter the effects of a diet of McDonalds and take out food. Hopefully that will change with this running program.

I'm hoping to take a "before" picture tonight and I'll post it when I get the chance. That way I'll have some incentive and motivation to stick with the program.




today is thursday. one day after wednesday and one before friday. not quite the weekend but at least it's not monday. just finished up a couple of jobs at work. i doubt there'll be more for the rest of the day. you can blame the lazy days of summer for that. luckily the powers that be have no problems with internet surfing while on the job. otherwise i'd be sleeping. too bad they didn't allow that.

over the last couple of months, i've been planning on building a miniramp in the backyard. i've had jump ramps before. although fun, they don't provide the same exhilaration as a miniramp. i've always wanted to have my very own ramp, but never had the space to build one. now, with a house of my very own sitting on 1.5 acres of prime PA land, i've finally gotten the space. 16' wide, 8'-10' of flat, 6.5' trannies and metal coping. should be a blast. my boys will love it. they've recently gotten into skating and what better way to watch them progress than on a ramp of our very own? no session fees to pay. no driving to the nearest public park. our very own ramp to ride whenever we want. i've got a friend who owns his own construction company and he is letting us use his account with a local lumber yard to purchase all the needed materials at redbook pricing. thanks john! hopefully my father and i can get the ball rolling on this project. we'll just have to wait and see.


Something's missing

I don't know what it is. Perhaps it's everything that's happened between October 2004 and the present. Talk about not updating. Damn! Hoping to try and keep this blog going on a more regular basis. Until then...


Playing chicken with traffic

Went on my lunch hour ride today although it's more like a 40 minute ride during my lunch hour. Nonetheless... Rode through the campus of the University here in Hackensack...Fairleigh Dickinson University I think it is...then made my way over the ped bridge to River Road. U-turned and then made my way back up Riverside Road. Light at the intersection was yellow, I was just about to turn and noticed a Ford Explorer gunning to make the light and turn right. Made eye contact with the driver and made him slow down so I could turn. Then he gunned the gas and squealed the tires as he ran the red. Impatient bastard! The rest of the ride was uneventful. Saw a lot of dead squirrels and squished birds though. Kinda weird. Almost ran over a squirrel too! I don't understand why these animals continue to play chicken with the cars. Don't they see there stiff, dead buddy lying there face up by the curb? And what about the birds? They swoop across the road at windshield level just as you're about to pass a certain spot, narrowly escaping death! Crazy animals... I guess they're playing chicken and double-daring each other to get to the other side. Weird.


Turn signals and trackstands

What's with people in New Jersey and not signaling their turns? I was cut off a minimum of 3 times today on my lunchtime ride. Mostly people turning right just as I'm about to go straight. Most drivers suck! Do they not know I'm there? One time I was even beside the first car in the right lane and this bitch jumps the light and cuts in front of me, most likely so she can get the prime parking spot at Target. Bitch. And I even got cut off by a ped. Light was green and I was just about to turn right and she decides to cross at that exact moment, causing me to swerve out of her way. I didn't curse at her although I should have.

I was making my way back to work, taking Main Street in Hackensack. I kept anticipating the lights to turn red so that I could practice my trackstands in traffic situations. I though I had them down as I could pretty much do them at will yesterday (it was raining yesterday due to Tropical Storm Jeanne and I just rode around in our parking garage at work, practicing skids and trackstands). First, every intersection i came to usually turned green just as I was priming for a trackstand. This would be good on any other day but trackstand practice day. Second, if the light did indeed stay red, I could barely keep my balance. I sucked today at trackstands.