
Turn signals and trackstands

What's with people in New Jersey and not signaling their turns? I was cut off a minimum of 3 times today on my lunchtime ride. Mostly people turning right just as I'm about to go straight. Most drivers suck! Do they not know I'm there? One time I was even beside the first car in the right lane and this bitch jumps the light and cuts in front of me, most likely so she can get the prime parking spot at Target. Bitch. And I even got cut off by a ped. Light was green and I was just about to turn right and she decides to cross at that exact moment, causing me to swerve out of her way. I didn't curse at her although I should have.

I was making my way back to work, taking Main Street in Hackensack. I kept anticipating the lights to turn red so that I could practice my trackstands in traffic situations. I though I had them down as I could pretty much do them at will yesterday (it was raining yesterday due to Tropical Storm Jeanne and I just rode around in our parking garage at work, practicing skids and trackstands). First, every intersection i came to usually turned green just as I was priming for a trackstand. This would be good on any other day but trackstand practice day. Second, if the light did indeed stay red, I could barely keep my balance. I sucked today at trackstands.


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