today is thursday. one day after wednesday and one before friday. not quite the weekend but at least it's not monday. just finished up a couple of jobs at work. i doubt there'll be more for the rest of the day. you can blame the lazy days of summer for that. luckily the powers that be have no problems with internet surfing while on the job. otherwise i'd be sleeping. too bad they didn't allow that.
over the last couple of months, i've been planning on building a miniramp in the backyard. i've had jump ramps before. although fun, they don't provide the same exhilaration as a miniramp. i've always wanted to have my very own ramp, but never had the space to build one. now, with a house of my very own sitting on 1.5 acres of prime PA land, i've finally gotten the space. 16' wide, 8'-10' of flat, 6.5' trannies and metal coping. should be a blast. my boys will love it. they've recently gotten into skating and what better way to watch them progress than on a ramp of our very own? no session fees to pay. no driving to the nearest public park. our very own ramp to ride whenever we want. i've got a friend who owns his own construction company and he is letting us use his account with a local lumber yard to purchase all the needed materials at redbook pricing. thanks john! hopefully my father and i can get the ball rolling on this project. we'll just have to wait and see.
over the last couple of months, i've been planning on building a miniramp in the backyard. i've had jump ramps before. although fun, they don't provide the same exhilaration as a miniramp. i've always wanted to have my very own ramp, but never had the space to build one. now, with a house of my very own sitting on 1.5 acres of prime PA land, i've finally gotten the space. 16' wide, 8'-10' of flat, 6.5' trannies and metal coping. should be a blast. my boys will love it. they've recently gotten into skating and what better way to watch them progress than on a ramp of our very own? no session fees to pay. no driving to the nearest public park. our very own ramp to ride whenever we want. i've got a friend who owns his own construction company and he is letting us use his account with a local lumber yard to purchase all the needed materials at redbook pricing. thanks john! hopefully my father and i can get the ball rolling on this project. we'll just have to wait and see.